OK, we all want to know what works, right? If you're like us, you've tried it all and been pretty disappointed. We've decided to do a short series on what we've found that works (and what doesn't--at least for us).
Cellulite Buster #1:
BlissSpa Cellulite Massager:
This little rubber, nubbly device is cheap and easy to use. Just suds up in the shower and massage your bumpy parts with it. It increases circulation which helps to reduce the APPEARANCE of cellulite. It works if you use it consistently. Use it with a good caffeine shower gel or shower oil for best results.
Caffeine: There are all kinds of coffee ground rub stories out there and what we've found is, they sort of work, but boy, are they messy and difficult to do! What's easier? Use a good quality caffeinated shower gel or scrub with your shower massager for best results.
You can make a scrub with coffee grounds and a good base. For a shower gel, it's harder to make your own. Try our Ageless Wake Up and Smell the Coffee all-natural gel. It's made with real coffee and it packs a punch! Get a free sample with our Dress Deal Duo special right now!
Little-known secrets to securing not only a good job, but a great career!
Cellulite Buster #1:
BlissSpa Cellulite Massager:
This little rubber, nubbly device is cheap and easy to use. Just suds up in the shower and massage your bumpy parts with it. It increases circulation which helps to reduce the APPEARANCE of cellulite. It works if you use it consistently. Use it with a good caffeine shower gel or shower oil for best results.
Caffeine: There are all kinds of coffee ground rub stories out there and what we've found is, they sort of work, but boy, are they messy and difficult to do! What's easier? Use a good quality caffeinated shower gel or scrub with your shower massager for best results.
You can make a scrub with coffee grounds and a good base. For a shower gel, it's harder to make your own. Try our Ageless Wake Up and Smell the Coffee all-natural gel. It's made with real coffee and it packs a punch! Get a free sample with our Dress Deal Duo special right now!
Little-known secrets to securing not only a good job, but a great career!
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